
Title : Asian Conference on the Ancient World | “亚洲的古代世界”国际学术论坛
Date : Jan.29,2021 - Jan.29,2021
Time : 09:00 - 19:15
Venue : Tencent Meeting & ZOOM
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Conference Introduction:

The First Asian Conference on the Ancient World has invited 25 speakers, both from China and from overseas, to present their papers and feedbacks on the ancient civilizations of Africa, Europe, and Asia, as well as of pre-colonial Americas and Oceania. Papers concern aspects of these civilizations, including history, archaeology, art and architecture, philology, literature, philosophy, religion studies, linguistics, sociology, anthropology, etc. according to a holistic perspective of people in all their material and cultural manifestations. Papers will be published in the proceedings of the conference by Brill Publishing House.

While conferences of this type have been organized in Europe and in America, no similar event with such a broad and complex range has taken place in Asia. We intend, therefore, to inaugurate a tradition of annual conferences, including both invited speakers and free calls for papers, as an Asian forum for reflection and discussion on antiquity, which, we hope, will attract increasing participation each year.


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活动地点 Tencent Meeting & ZOOM 演讲者